video resources

Mental health video resources to help you get started on your journey toward health and healing.

Hope starts here.

Managing Trauma Reactions

In this video, Aspen Webster, LMSW offers an introduction to the brain's reaction to trauma based on Polyvagal Theory. You will also be introduced to coping and calming skills to help you or someone else be able to deal with triggers. This video is a great intro for everyone, but may especially help teachers and parents understand their child's meltdowns.

5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

In this video, Diana McCue, LMSW explains the concept of grounding, and how we can become more present in the moment and in our environment. She explains how grounding techniques can help us re-focus on the here and now, particularly in moments of stress or anxiety. Diana leads us in the "five senses" exercise and asks us to notice how the exercise affects us and grounds us in the moment.

The Invisible String: Book Reading

In this video, Brigid Counts, LCSW reads "The Invisible String" by Patrice Karst. This video is directed toward younger children, particularly those who are experiencing fear, sadness, loneliness, and grief. This book reminds us that, even when we're separated from those we love, we're still connected.

Managing Your Child’s ADHD

In this video, Diana McCue, LMSW, provides tips for parents and guardians for managing behaviors of inattention and hyperactivity in elementary-age children at home. These symptoms may lead to a diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, but sometimes having lots of energy and trouble focusing is part of being a kid. Diana offers ideas to help kids with these symptoms through four simple behavioral management strategies.

Improv Games for Connection

In this video, Aspen Webster, LMSW explains how we can direct principles of improv theater toward mental health. Improv is an art form that encourages us to be in the moment and to embrace risk. Improv encourages us to play and to engage with one another through supportive, authentic connection. In this way, improv can help us be more mindful and can help build connections that make us feel more regulated and safe. Aspen shows us three improv games that we can play with our friends and family - at home or virtually - to help us embrace joy and play!

Introduction to Mindfulness

In this video, Tiffany Allen, LCSW, introduces the idea of mindfulness and how we can engage with it in our daily lives. Mindfulness means focusing our attention on our thoughts and feelings in the present moment, and can benefit us in numerous ways. After you’ve watched this video, be sure to check out our other videos on specific exercises that utilize mindfulness and grounding!